It is often easier to be critical than constructive. Fortunately, most of the citizens of Deer Valley are genuinely interested in doing what is best for our students, whether it be improving classroom instruction, adding technology, or insisting on changes.
Those of you who know me, know that I have been a consistent voice in DV for change when things have not been right. Working with a group of other parents, we were able to stop misuse of public money and district resources by a former superintendent, eventually resulting in his administrative leave and departure from our district. Since, we have seen significant improvements in fiscal responsibility and student achievement.
Since 2004, literally thousands of you, through direct membership or through your local school organizations, joined with Deer Valley Support Our Schools to promote citizen commitment for our schools. The results have been amazing, as voters time and again said "yes" to making better schools for our students. Parents, residents, support staff, administrators, and teachers all worked together through DV SOS to secure our children's future. I am humbled to have been the founder and chairman of such a worthwhile group in our school district and so proud of what you have all accomplished.
DV SOS helped create support for the solar energy program in our district, improvements to our school buildings, acquisition of important capital equipment for the classrooms, salaries for our staff, new schools, maintenance programs, textbooks, computers, school buses, and much more. The people of Deer Valley have always done what is necessary to improve our schools.
It is time for me to do more, to serve the students, voters, and staff of our schools from another position. So, I am running for the Governing Board. I will use this blog to outline my goals and objectives, while opening a dialogue with you, the Voices of our district.
You were missing in action during the last override election. Where do you stand in regards to the budget override? Is DVSOS going to support this measure in November?
Actually, I did speak in support of the budget override at one of the board meetings. However, I thought we could have committed more specifically to new programs for students for the additional $8 million a year we were asking voters to approve.
As to DV SOS, all I can say is that politics is a clumsy experience. Another PAC is supporting the budget override from what I understand and I do not believe that the district should have two PACs working the election as it sends mixed signals and confuses volunteers.
I can't believe you are finally running for the board. That is the best thing that can happen for DVUSD. Is your health going to allow you to campaign? Let us all know how we can help you, Alan. This is really long overdue.
First, I could sure use your moral support. This is a tough job for someone with stage four cancer. There will be at least four people running for two seats.
While collecting 600+ signatures will seem like it's killing me, I think my health will be fine with the campaign. I'm doing what my doctors tell me to do and I have already beat the beast back a little. Prayer groups all over the country have been helping me.
Secondly, I need help collecting signatures. I you can take a petition sheet and collect signatures in your neighborhood, that would be great. Just drop me an e-mail. I could use the help.
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